Quick pen sketch at Lower Town

A couple of days ago we took a short walk along the delightful path from Lower Town, Fishguard, along the south side of the banks of the river Gwaun. Garlic and its perfume pervaded, wood anemones, bluebells and celandines were everywhere. Ferns and bracken stretched upwards into curled tips like ammonites and there was lots of birdsong to be heard. I have found that woods and their environs don't often translate well into sketches and can come out looking jumbled and indistinct. How our bifocal vision, ears and olfactory senses deceive sometimes, making you think you can transcribe it all onto paper and capture all that you sense. Anyhow, I have done some paths and woody places in sketches recently, some which worked out and some which didn't. After this walk we took a quick look at the harbour and I went for 'safe territory' with this sketch of boats and cottages.

Recently a friend asked for a copy of the TS Skirmisher sketch I did a little while back at Lower Town (just to the left of the picture above), so I created this framed version for Malcolm and Alison and I think it might be my first sale of a sketch.


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