A bit of an unproductive day

I went for a walk into Fishguard this morning and did a bit of drawing while I was there - which wasn't much to write home about. Battling with the wind trying to flip over the pages of my sketchpad while I worked didn't help much. I was trying to source some more oil painting paper pads and acrylic primer in town, but I didn't make much headway there either. Then I went out for a bicycle ride - largely in the wind and rain. When I got home I prepared a bacon and lentil casserole to put in the slow cooker for this evening, all of this took up a big chunk of time, so the intention of cutting up some hardboard and priming small pieces for my oil painting practice didn't happen today.

So I have just spent a little time 'developing' this shot in Photoshop from yesterday's coast path walk - the photo seemed to have plenty of potential to my eye at the time, but then left me a bit uninspired when I looked at it later at home, but today I thought: 'well, maybe with a bit of work'...


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