Paint, sketch and photo

It's one of those days when some things work and some don't. It was a great morning for getting out today, so I went for a walk in our lovely corner of Pembrokeshire, which included a stretch of coast path. The coast always inspires me, but doesn't always mean I create what I hope to do. The tree-lined path near the start inspired me, but my sketch ended up a little bland, so I'm skipping that one today and going straight to the photo that I liked the most of these ferns cupped in the crook of a big old moss-coated tree.

Then after I got home, I messed about a bit more with my oil paints, trying to find my way towards the style that I'm after - just a bit of practice really. It's hardly finished or accurate, but simply an exercise in mixing colour, trying to get the right brushstrokes and so-on.

And because I wasn't so happy with today's pencil sketch, here's a pen drawing I did a few days ago of Fishguard Square and the Royal Oak.


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