Art rush

Since the last update I have a few pictures to you. Working at home from a photo I took on my phone camera, is another oil paint 'practice' piece (depending upon how well, or otherwise it comes out!) The cows painting has had a base wash laid down, outlines sketched in and the first layer of larger areas of colour added. I keep trying to make time to return to this for the next stage, but failing due to having so many other things I'm trying to do.

Then there was this sketch of washing on the line at home a few days ago, made on a day when I didn't go out with a sketch book and looking for inspiration around the house and garden. That's not so easy when everything around you is familiar and taken for granted.

And this morning, while wandering up the road to collect eggs, I looked back at this view of the bungalow we used to live in from the lane nearby and did this quick sketch.


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