Hiatus in blog posts doesn't mean I've been idle

I've neglected this space recently, but I have still been busy 'knocking out' some sketches, so in reverse order and firstly, this one from today done on a walk from Fishguard via Plas y Fron to the St Mary's cemetry and looking back to Fishguard and Goodwick.

I then carried on along the road and took the bridlepath past Trebover, and took the footpath towards Cefn y Dre - a delightful miniature gorge with lots of rocky outcrops and loose broken rock,  rampant undergrowth and overhanging trees, including one fallen one that you need to almost limbo beneath to pass. Along here I made this sketch looking up the path.

By the way, I don't recommend this path much beyond now and through the summer months - it gets very overgrown, isn't well-kept, it will have big stands of nettles (I just got away with it today in shorts, but in a week's time - probably no), it is loose and rocky underfoot and the upper stretch of the path towards Cefn y Dre turns into a linear bog in or after wet weather. From here I walked from Cen y Dre and back home via the Wallace.

A couple of days ago, felling guilty that I hadn't had my 'art practice' for the day, it was last thing at night and I went in search around the house to find something to draw and settled on these teddy bears on a chair in the bedroom. Here I used a book of hand-made paper and used black biro.

And the cows practice oil painting - yes, it's been on the back burner for a few days until I return to it - must do that SOON - I added to it last week and it's nearly done before I move onto the next piece. I was just going to add some finishing touches, and largely it's okay for what it is - I'm happy that the reflections actually look like reflections, but I'm less enthusiastic about that sky, so I might re-do some of it and try and improve it. If I don't, hey, no sweat it's just practice! It's still a bit clumsy, but things are moving slowly in the right direction.


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