Outright failure

Hands up - I have done a few sketches recently, but not too many that I was happy with, including one I started on Sunday at Lower Town of some boats in the harbour. It seemed to start promisingly and then resorted to indifference, so it's not about to get an airing here!

I have been very busy working, cycling, decorating and generally doing other stuff, so the art has suffered a bit in the last couple of weeks - something I need to have a stern word with myself about and redress the balance. And get back to the oil painting - sadly lacking recently. So much for goals, but I'll get back into the groove, worry not. I have also run out of my favourite portable sized sketchbooks - A5 spiral bound, so I have been caught between A6 - a bit small for some ambitions, and A4 or A3 - sometimes a bit more than I feel I can commit to and justify when time is short. A bit of a rubbish excuse but I DO need more sketchbooks of the right size - not an easy thing to get during lockdown.

Meanwhile here is one of those sketches that was done from home on one of those not-going-out-much sort of days, of which there have been quite a few recently. We're blessed with something of a view from home, some angles which I have already covered numerous times. Here's a fairly quick sketch of part of that front window view.


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