Admirers made me do it!

After a quick spin round the shops in Fishguard this morning I headed to Lower Town for a saunter around and maybe a spot of drawing. After a walk along to the quay and deciding maybe that wasn't going to be the warmest place to draw from, I headed for the Skirmisher car park. I reached the Skirmisher end of the river bridge and realised that I hadn't done anything from that spot before. It would make yet another view of the harbourside cottages to add to my growing tally, but I make no apologies for that, it always draws me in, so to speak.

So as I was standing on the little triangle of grass (and weeds) next to the bridge abutment, to be off the road, I stood there and started scribbling with black biro. It began to feel like one that wasn't going to please me. Then, with little done, a couple of youngsters came up behind me and looked at what I was doing and asked if I was drawing. Avoiding some snide comment about stating the obvious and managing not to roll my eyes, I was then taken aback by their responses when they saw, what I considered to be a poor and unpromising start, and told me it was 'sick' (yoof speak for 'great' etc) and 'awesome' and other yoof-speak to that effect. One of them asked if I could send him a snap when it was done, giving me his number. I agreed and made noises about 'if it turned out alright', and off they went. So there I was - let myself and Noah down (to my mind), or dig in and despite cold hands, finish it and make a decent job of it? I wasn't confident of the latter, but there you go, I surprised myself for the second time in a week. Thanks Noah, and friend!


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